Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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195 lines
; 7171.SCR
; Christine M. Gianone, CUCCA/AcIS, October 1991
; An MS-DOS Kermit script for easy access to Columbia University's
; VM/CMS systems and CLIO. It navigates through ROLMphone and 7171
; and logs the user in.
; You can run this script from within Kermit by typing TAKE 7171.SCR,
; but it is designed for more convenient use by running Batch files
; from the DOS command line, for example SIMB.BAT:
; simb myuserid
; In this example, userid and password can be given on the DOS command line,
; for example:
; C:\>sima myuserid mypassword
; The "simb" DOS command requires the following SIMB.BAT file to
; reside in the user's PATH:
; @echo off
; kermit def userid %1, def passwd %2, def host sima, take 7171.scr, stay
; 7171.SCR prompts for CMS ID and password if these are not
; already defined, then connects through the CBX, automatically detecting
; either a regular DCM phone or a 244PC, logs in.
; Requires MS-DOS Kermit 3.11 or later.
if not < version 311 goto OK
echo Sorry, version 3.11 or later of MS-DOS Kermit is required.
; Macro to issue an error message and stop.
define errstop echo \%1, hangup, stop
; Action starts here
set input case ignore ; Don't care about alphabetic case.
if eq \m(host) CLIO goto setup ; No login for CLIO.
if def passwd cls ; For security...
def \%9 ; "Thank you" flag.
if def host goto ASKUID
ask \%8 {Which CMS system (simb, simc, siml): }
if not def \%8 goto XHOST
assign host \%8
def \%9 Thank you.
if def userid goto askpw
ask \%8 {Please type your CMS user ID, then press the Enter key: }
if not def \%8 goto XUID
assign userid \%8
def \%9 Thank you.
if def passwd goto thanks
askq \%8 -
{Please type your password (it won't echo), then press the Enter key: }
if not def \%8 goto XPWD
assign passwd \%8
def \%9 Thank you.
def \%8 ; Erase password from memory
if def \%9 echo \%9 ; Be polite
def \%9
; Communication and script settings
take 7171.ini ; Parameters and key settings.
define getout hangup, exit ; Define GETOUT macro.
set key \2320 {\Kgetout} ; Assign GETOUT macro to Alt-Q.
set terminal type vt320 ; Use VT320 terminal emulation.
set input timeout proceed ; This enables IF SUCCESS and IF FAILURE.
hangup ; Hang up any current data connection.
; Try 3 times to get Rolmphone's attention.
output \13 ; Output a carriage return.
input 6 MODIFY? ; Look for CBX prompt.
if failure goto RP244PC ; If not found, go try 244PC.
echo \13CBX dialing... ; It's the CBX, tell the user.
output CALL \m(host)\13 ; Dial desired 7171.
input 30 COMPLETE ; Get CALL COMPLETE message
if failure errstop -
{Sorry, INFO does not answer. Please try again later.}
goto good ; Got connected, go login
:RP244PC ; Let's see if it's a 244PC
output \13AT\13 ; Give the Hayes modem AT command
input 5 OK ; Look for Hayes OK response.
if failure goto RETRY ; Not found, try again.
echo 244PC dialing... ; It's 244PC, tell the user.
output ATDT[\m(host)]\13 ; Make a data call to desired 7171.
input 30 CONNECT ; Look for modem's confirmation.
if success goto GOOD
; Get here when there is no communication after 3 tries.
echo { Sorry, I can't seem to communicate with your ROLMphone.}
echo { Your port is \v(port), your speed is \v(speed).}
echo { If these parameters are not correct, use Kermit's SET PORT}
echo { and SET SPEED commands to correct them and try again.}
echo { Otherwise, please check the data cable between your PC}
echo { and the ROLMphone and try again.}
pause 1 ; Now connect to 7171
set count 3 ; Try 3 times to get its prompt
set input echo off ; Don't show, too confusing.
out \13 ; Send CR
inp 3 INAL TYPE: ; Get prompt
if succ goto TSOK
if count goto TSLOOP
errstp {Can't get \m(host) prompt}
out vt-100\13
if eq \m(host) CLIO goto READY ; No login necessary for CLIO
; Now log in to VM/CMS
inp 20 RUNNING
if fail errstp {Can't get VM status}
pau 1
out \m(userid)\9
pau 1
out \m(passwd)\13
def passwd
pau 1
out \13\13
; User should be logged in.
echo { You are now logged in to the IBM mainframe via \m(host).}
echo { To end your mainframe session, enter the LOGOUT command,}
echo { then hold down the Alt key and press q to get back to DOS.}
echo { To return Kermit without ending your mainframe session,}
echo { hold down the Alt key and press x to get back to DOS.}
echo { Press any key to start your \m(host) session...}
pause 9999 ; Wait for them to type something.
; Here we go...
set terminal clear ; Clear terminal screen.
out \12 ; Send a Ctrl-L.
connect ; Start terminal emulation.
wait 1 CD
if succ goto WARN
echo { Your connection to \m(host) is broken.}
echo { Type EXIT (then Enter) to leave Kermit and go back to DOS.}
echo Warning: back at PC, but connection to \m(host) might still be active.
echo { Type CONNECT (then press the Enter key) to go back to \m(host).}
echo { Type HANGUP (then Enter) to cancel your \m(host) session.}
echo { Type EXIT (then Enter) to leave Kermit and go back to DOS.}